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Archive for January, 2007

Top of the World – Not!


To say I am annoyed with myself would be an slight understatement 😈 I have niggles, yep, they are bloody well back!! I thought I had kissed them good-bye forever. I was on the mend this cannot be happening 😯

Last week I had an awesome week of training.  I completed 4km on Wednesday night, attended Coburg Harrier session on the Thursday night and increased my Sunday run to 7km.  Also did my bike and weights.  Now where did I go wrong??   Ok, I don’t usually run consecutive days (even though I did only do 4km instead of 5km for that very reason), Coburg Harriers session………hills, speed and a few runs, even though I estimated 5km all up it could have been more and it was a different kind of running to what I am use to.  Finally, the increase to 7km, maybe too much because of Harriers session. 

So, what do I do now??  First of all I am resting, icing and wearing damn runners day in and day out with orthotics in them.  In terms of my training, I am in two minds as to which way to go.  I do not want to give up Harrier sessions but I don’t think it would be wise to go this week and next week, I have the 8km Zoo run on the Wednesday so it would be too much to go on the Thursday session.  Should I just go back to what I was doing before?  It seemed to be working out really well but as I said I don’t really want to give up Harriers.  I am rambling I know but I am distressed 😆

If I don’t get sorted, I am not going to make it to R4K, aagghhhhh!!!!  Help 😦



Met RJ at the the Tan this morning and the plan was to do 7km.  Must say it felt a little weird going back to the scene of the crime!  We started running down Alexandra Road crossed over the Morrel Bridge and continued down towards Federation Square.  We crossed the Princes Bridge and decided we would continue down St Kilda Road, go down Domain Rd and finish around the Tan.  It was a really nice morning for running, no sun and a cool wind, although it was strong at times, I enjoyed it.  Running down St Kilda Road was really good.  I finished feeling quite comfortable in myself.  Had a little niggle in the back of left calf which I think was from overstretching the day before.  It was ok once I got into run.

I pulled up really well after Coburg Harriers session on Thursday night which was a relief as I thought I would be really stiff and sore.  My appointment on Saturday with Pod was encouraging.  He was really happy with my progress as it has only been about 4-5 weeks since I started solid running after wearing orthotics in.  He has given me some exercises for the pain in the ball of foot and other instructions.  

I have to try and figure out how to fit the Coburg Harriers sessions into my original plan.  I don’t know if I count that as one of my runs because it is a bit of a mixture of running and recovery, hills and circuit loops of speed running if that makes sense??    I have also mentioned somewhere before I had intended to introduce a forth run every two weeks.  Oh well, the thinking cap will have to go back on.  I just so do not want to overdo it in all the excitement of finally feeling on track.  One thing I am extremely happy about is the fact that I will be able to make the 8km distance a the Zoo run.  I don’t really give a hoot about the time, ok maybe a little, but I am just so grateful that I am running!!! 

Coming out of the Closet


Well it is official, I am coming out of the closet!  I zipped down to the Coburg Harriers last night and loved every minute of it.  I think I am really becoming “a runner”.  I was so nervous when I was getting ready and then to to top it off when I got there I couldn’t find any of the people I had been told to locate.  My hubby, 2 boys and their cousin, who is staying with us at the moment, had decided to come down and play cricket on the near by oval.  I fleetingly thought to myself if worse comes to worse I could always just join them and forget about this whole mad caper.  I ended up deciding to watch the little aths events that were on and pretend I was one of the parents.  It wasn’t long before I noticed a few “older runners” arriving and heading out.  By about the third lot, I decided to do a shifty and follow them.  It was a little 2km run through merri creek on a trail section with a few little hills.  When I arrived back I thought to myself I could just bolt now but I am a bit of stickler for seeing things through so I asked one of the runners if they were part of Brians (coach) group.  Bingo, yes, so I tagged along.  I could of died a thousand deaths when I walked into the clubrooms and there were about 15 people of varying ages, and all eyes were on me!!  I soon found Jegster who went to great lengths to make me feel welcome and he introduced me to Brian.

We headed out to start our session.  At this stage I was thinking “what the bloody hell are you doing here?”   I soon told myself off and thought just get on with it.  We did another little warm-up jog and then Brian told us we were going to do circuit sessions aroung the merri creek and  a session of hills.  WTF!!!!!!  I have never done real hills before in my life apart from recently conquering the Anderson Street hill so then I really started getting nervous.  But you know what, I loved every god dang minute.  Am I abnormal????  I loved the fact that I pushed myself out of that comfort zone and I could clearly see the benefits of doing these types of strenghtening drills.  I was also quite proud of the fact that I didn’t make a scene and kept up a fairly well all considering.  I am going to have to get use to running on trails though as it was uneven in parts so I really had to concentrate on my footing.  I was envisioning myself on my very first session rolling down the embankment, and apart from the embarrassment of such an event occuring, ending up with a sprained ankle, pmsl!  I think I will have to find some good ankle strengthening exercises as I do have weak ankles.

When the session finished I spoke to Brian about my goals and I came away feeling so excited about it all.  This has been a really good move for me and if I can manage to get there once a week, I will be extremely happy with that 🙂

Bittersweet Pill


Well I finally got out for my run last night after four long days of no running.  I went to the Tan and completed 4km and then walked one lap.  It was a great run.  I only did 4km because I am going down to Coburg Harriers tonight for a training run, yikes!!   I have never ran two consecutive days before and I was also feeling a little sore from weight and core exercises I had done the night before so I didn’t want to go too crazy.  I was feeling so great and happy but it all came crashing down when I returned to my car to find it had been broken into!!! Needless to say the scumbags had stolen my new 5 day old mobile phone (old phone had to be replaced after it fell out of my pocket and broke when I was in hot pursuit of 3 year old running towards road), my change purse and house keys.  I could not bloody believe it!!!  Where do they get off honestly??  Initially I was so stressed about the phone because of all the numbers on it and of course them using it.  I drove home like a bat out of hell and cancelled sim card but then I started thinking about my house keys.  What if they track me down and break in??  I didn’t have any ID in the car whatsoever but you just don’t know.  Why would they bother with keys?  I started thinking they could have followed me home to find out where I live.  I have a great imagination once I get started 🙂  So we are trying to decided whether we need to change the locks on house today.  The bloody annoying part is I don’t usually don’t take my house keys as I don’t really need them.  I don’t know what possessed me to take them last night but I am so kicking myself!!!

Anyway enough of that crap!  I ended up heading down to Fitness First in Richmond yesterday with hubby and co to look at the 2nd hand bikes they have there for sale.  I ended up picking one up for $275 which I am more than happy with.  Its a good solid Repco studio cycle bike (spin) which we were able to fit in boot once handle bars and seat were removed.  Easy peasy!!  No more whinging when I can’t get outdoors to run, well maybe still a little 😉  I now have my weights, thera-resistance band and bike.  I been thinking about what to concentrate on at gym when I return and I am going to start doing the Pilates, Yoga and Body Balance classes.  

I am off to Pod on Saturday as I still have the left ball of foot niggle amongst others. I have also been experiencing a little tenderness in achilles at times.  I am ok while running its just afterwards.  Hope he can get me sorted real soon 🙂


I am starting to get really down in the dumps as I have been unable to escape the evil clutches of my family and go for run since Friday!!  Thats why in the past I have alway hated training regimes because I can never stick to them because “things get in the way”.  One thing I am good at doing is plotting, thinking, plotting when I can’t get out.

What have I been plotting??  Well for one, I am going to increase one of my runs 1/2km, not the long run, the first run of the week as I think I am capable of doing a little more, (thanks Em 🙂 ), another thing I am going to do is buy a Spin Bike to have at home so I can at least jump on that and get rid of some of this pent up can’t get out for run energy.  Fitness First have a warehouse where they sell pre-owned equipment so I am going to go and have a look at them at some stage and hopefully pick one up.  The final thing I have been seriously thinking and I have been for a long time, is getting down to the Coburg Harriers for some training.  They have it on a Thursday night starting at 6pm for about an hour and a half, I so want to do this it is not funny.  Once again, sorry to whinge, its the family that gets in the way of this, but I am going to try and do it.  Maybe I could put the kids in the boot for that time……just joking honestly 😆 !!!!

I may be able to go for a run later this evening and I am aiming to go down to the Tan and do a 5.5km run, fingers bloody crossed yet again!

Hot and Sultry


Hot and sultry all right, not me, the weather!!  I ran 5km down at Princes Park tonight about 8pm and boy was it humid.  When I finished I was sweating badly, especially my head and I didn’t even have my cap on.  Not very ladylike at all.  I was so glad I did it though, it is always a great feeling when you push through and finish 🙂

I don’t know if it is just me but I have to say, now that I have been using different tracks and doing a bit of street running, I have found that I always seem to struggle a bit on the Princes Park surface???   I don’t know if it is just a psychological thing or if it is in fact harder to run on.  I would much rather run 4km at the The Tan than do 3km at Princes Park and having said that, I also like running on paved and bitumen surfaces even though I know those surfaces are harder on the legs.  Its quite interesting really.

I entered the Sunset Series 8km Zoo Run today.  I am really looking forward to this run as it sounds as though it will be quite nice.  Today when I was at Carlton Baths putting in my entry, I spotted entry forms for “Race the Boat”.  It’s a Fun Run to raise stroke awareness and to encourage people to get fit and healthy.  I have nursed many a patient who have suffered from stroke and had to travel down the road of rehabilitation and lifestyle changes.  Very sad and hard.  I am going to think about doing the 10km run as it is a really worthy cause and I think it would be quite a fun one to do especially if you get your family on one of the river boats 🙂  



The way my day was panning out yesterday I thought I was going to miss out on my run but at 7.30pm, I escaped!!  Oh, and was it pure bliss or what?  It was a nice night for running.  Although it was a little humid there was a nice cool breeze.  When I finished and was doing my stretching it started to sprinkle with rain 🙂

I set out to do a 5km run with the intent to do 6km if all felt ok.  All did in fact feel ok and I did my very first “long run”.  I did a street run which I really enjoy doing now especially because of all the scattered hills.  I can feel myself getting stronger and more confident when I approach them now which is nice.  I have to say though I did have a bit of a rude shock while running.  I passed some shop windows and caught sight of myself and saw that I don’t actually look as athletic as I feel.  In fact, I looked like I was actually waddling with my butt sticking out a mile.  I will have to definitely steer clear of shop windows as it wasn’t very good for my ego at the time.  The run felt wonderful and I guess that is what really counts but geez, it would be nice to actually look good while doing it!!  

The plan for me now is to continue doing two 5km runs and continue to build up the third run every week.  Although, I had a few niggles towards end of run, it was all fine after stretching.  I have a little niggle in that left ball of foot and if that doesn’t completely go in the next two weeks, I am going back to Pod.


I am taking my boys to Williamstown today to catch up with a girlfriend and her little boy.  We had planned to take the kids to the beach if the weather was good.  I haven’t actually checked the forecast so I have no idea what it is going to be like.  We are definitely going to venture out somewhere around there anyway so it should be a good day 🙂

Lunges for Breakfast


I swear to God I asked my 8 year old son this morning if he would like lunges for breakfast!!!  My mind is totally on R4K at the moment and I had been thinking of more ways to get this bod stronger in preparation for distance, lmao!

I had intended to go for a run this evening with RJ but I have pulled the pin.  It is so dang hot today and as much as my body is screaming out to run, I don’t think it would be enjoyable at all.  That sun is pelting.  I am also a bit tired today as I didn’t sleep very well last night.  So we have arranged to go tomorrow which means I will still be able to do my three runs for the week as scheduled.

I have entered R4K and I am so excited about doing this I can hardly wait.  I was getting my knickers in a knot about not quite being up to distance on the day, but my “trusty internet pals”, ausrunners :), have put me at ease and now I just cannot wait.  I have no time expectations, I just want to complete it.

Well, thats my post for today I am now going to sit in front of airconditioner with fan blowing and watch Zathura with the kids.  Oh and by the way, my son didn’t want lunges for breakfast he was quite happy with toast 😆



Zipped down to the Tan this afternoon and did another 5km run including “the hill”:)  I must admit I was nervous when I approached it as I thought to myself what if I just fluked it the other day?  Well I can officially say, I am able to do that hill.

I am not sure what to do now as I have now completed two 5km runs, 1st one with niggles, 2nd one no problem at all.  I am thinking when I go for another run on Tuesday that maybe I should try 6km and then that will get me back on track.  My plan is to do two runs a week at 5km increasing the 3rd by 1km a week.  I really want to get back on track so I can do the 8km Zoo run but I know I have to be sensible.  Maybe I need to do one more 5km???  I guess it wouldn’t hurt my schedule to much, lol!

I am feeling so dang happy about my running at the moment.  I can’t believe just a couple of weeks ago I was whinging about aches and pains and then just like that I seemed to have turned the corner.  I will still look into Massage Therapy though, as soon as these pesky school holidays are out the way.


After a good feed and lots of fluids my Dad returned “to normal”.  The next day when my sister popped in he had cleaned his whole house and was out the front raking the leaves.  That is the problem right there!!  He copes really well at home in his environment so to take him out of that and put him in some kind of “home” would be a disaster for him.  For us it would be peace of mind but he would not be happy at all, so I think at this stage, because he hates walking distances, we are going to take a spark plug out of the dang scooter so he can’t go scooting no more!!



I have finally reached the golden 5km 🙂  I met RJ at the Tan again last night about 5ish.  We started running just before the Morrell Bridge and completed the 4km loop.  I finished off an extra Km by going over the Morrell Bridge again and over Swan Street Bridge.  RJ finished at the 6km mark, show off 😉  My knee and right hip were starting to niggle slightly during the last km but today I feel great.  Yiipppeeee!!  I think at last my old bod has realised I am not going to give up.  It feels as though everything is finally settling, the pain in the ball of my foot, my knee and hip niggles, what a geriatric!   Even though I have been persisting with runs, I wasn’t sure if I could ever build up distance.  I have to say I am feeling pretty confident I will get there.

I am going to stick to 5km for a couple of more runs until I don’t have the hip and knee niggle while running, and then I will increase to 6km.  According to my schedule I should have been starting to build long run to 6km on Sunday but thats ok, I am so over the moon that I am where I am and feeling at last confident that I am going to be able to do this.  I am so glad I got my orthotics 🙂


Last night when I got home from run, my mobile rang and it was my sister who was totally hysterical because my dear Dad, who has Alzheimer’s, was found on his motorised scooter on the Polly Farmer Freeway totally disorientated 😦  It’s about a 20minute drive from his house.  He was all dressed up with a large wad of money but had know idea where he was going.  The police took Dad and his scooter home to my sister.  It is so upsetting to think about it and of course, we started talking about whether we should place him somewhere.  I can’t believe I went home to Perth in November and my sisters and I decided that to take him out of the family home would not be the right choice, then something like this happens and we are all freaking out again!!  Life can be so hard sometimes.